Myths of Managed Service Providers


There are many myths that revolve around Managed Service Providers:

Myth 1: Having an in-house IT department is always better.

Every organization’s goal is to be able to expand their role and operate on a grander scale. This of course will ask a lot from an in-house IT department as they are deployed to maintain, manage, troubleshoot and fix IT elements. This isn’t the greatest long-term solution for your IT dollars, as more people will need to be brought to service these tasks.

Myth 2: All MSPs provide the same service for the same price.

People tend to lump all MSPs in the same pot when comparing the services they provide. This stigma can cause a bad outlook on any MSP when they hear something bad about any particular provider.
One provider’s cost per service might not necessarily reflect another provider’s. When talking to a provider about their services make sure to get a clear understanding of what each service offers, allowing you to judge whether the value is justified.

Myth 3: An MSP that is close by is better.

In the past, 70% of managed services would be need to be completed in-house. As technology progressed, the need to be close by was diminished and now most services are able to be completed from the office of most MSPs. This is accomplished through the use of remote network connectivity and management services, allowing even faster response times.

Myth 4: Bigger is better.

When evaluating an MSP you shouldn’t be focusing on how many employees they have. You instead should be asking about response times and the procedures in place to ensure that those times are consistently met.
Having plenty of employees will always help from being overloaded, but it speaks very little for how well an MSP will perform for you.

Make the right switch for your organization by letting Kinetix be your Managed Service Provider.