What is VoIP?

What is VoIP?

What is VoIP?

VoIP (voyp, as in voice) is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol. What IS Voice over internet protocol? VoIP is an internet-based phone service designed to streamline your client interactions, and make sure you NEVER miss a call. Voice over Internet Protocol is taking your voice communications that would normally be done over the phone and putting them over IP networks such as the internet. That would include things like internet phone calls, video calls, conference calls and more. VoIP is the best way to communicate digitally, it is one unified communications system that is cheaper and more effective than traditional telephony.

What kind of equipment do I need?

The two things necessary to set up a functional VoIP system is a telephone set, and a stable connection to the internet. Kinetix has an advanced fiber network growing throughout Alexandria, LA. Fiber is a secure, reliable network using the Kinetic Fiber solutions with local support. You will have access to speeds up to 1 gigabit, private networks that are completely separate from public lines, and reliable connections so that you can work without interruptions.

Call Kinetix at 318-457-8200 to see if you can get fiber to support your VoIP needs.