Reputation Management

Online reputation management and reviews


Online reputation management is how you can take control of your business’s reputation. The buzz of your business found online is likely to reflect a potential customer’s purchasing decision. The most efficient way to protect your business’s brand is to make reputation management a priority. By using online reputation management, we work to mold the perception of your business to the public. Building a strong brand reputation comes down to these factors:

Understanding Negative Commentary

When you are taking the time to understand why a consumer left negative commentary, you are leaving yourself more room to repair the damage of the negative comment. Understanding where the negativity towards your business came from, allows you to be able to develop a long-term fix to avoid it in the future, as well.


Search engine optimization is also important if you want to ensure your top rank of search engine results are filled with positive results rather than the negative. Reducing the prominence of negative feedback is essential when aiming for positive SEO.

Proactive Monitoring

Even if your business has never received negative online commentary, you will want to continue to monitor your business’s brand reputation. Failing to monitor your business’s social networks could cause you to miss not only those posting negative commentary, but also, those with positive. You should connect with those posting positive commentary, so you are able to continue to build brand positivity with your consumers.


Businesses who understand that their reputation is controlled by consumers on social media are typically in a position to better maximize their brand reputation.

Are you looking for someone to help with your reputation management? Call Kinetix today for a FREE consultation!